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Osteopathy for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome

Adhesive capsulitis is a condition involving pain and stiffness in the shoulder. More commonly known simply as frozen shoulder syndrome, the symptoms often occur gradually over a couple of years with more discomfort and a decrease in the range of motion until the shoulder is mostly or fully immobile.

Thus, this medical condition can be truly disabling and early intervention should be sought to increase the chances of fully recovering the use of the affected shoulder.

The symptoms of frozen shoulder usually includes an initial onset of pain rather than the shoulder spontaneously losing its ability to move around.

This stage can last up to two years during which time the affected shoulder experiences pain with any movement. This can lead to a fear of motion and the shoulder becomes more stiff with less movement.

If allowed to progress long enough, the shoulder can become completely frozen. Unfortunately, even a frozen shoulder can still experience pain, especially at night because laying down on it can cause uncomfortable pressure or a painful sensation strong enough to disrupt sleep.

The causes of frozen shoulder syndrome are still poorly understood. The most common cause is from prolonged immobilization of the arm such as an arm injury requiring a sling or a cast. Surgery causing a duration of bed rest can also trigger initial symptoms of frozen shoulder syndrome in some people while others are not affected, even under identical conditions.

Luckily, Elissa Gustafson, DOMP and Carolyn Smith, DOMP are experienced manual osteopaths in Ottawa and have found that most cases respond to conservative care and only a small percentage actually require surgery. Osteopathy is ideal for manipulating the tissues and bones surrounding the shoulder and this can loosen the shoulder resulting in less pain and increased movement.

Repeated treatments are normally necessary in order to increase the shoulder’s range of motion at each session. Elissa's and Maria's patients with frozen shoulder syndrome sometimes choose to expand their care with chiropractic, massage therapy, athletic therapy and physiotherapy.

Osteopathy for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome
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